Minggu, 17 Mei 2009

Lintas Banda Aceh-Calang belum bebas dari rakit

Sunday, 17 May 2009 17:30 WIB

BANDA ACEH - Meski Badan Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi (BRR) Aceh Nias telah dibubarkan, lintas perhubungan darat Banda Aceh-Calang belum bebas dari rakit penyeberangan karena pembangunan jalan dan jembatan belum tuntas.

"Masyarakat dan pengguna jalan Banda Aceh-Calang sangat berharap dapat bebas dari rakit penyeberangan di sungai Lambeusoe untuk menuju ibu kota kabupaten Aceh Jaya atau ke ibu kota Provinsi Aceh," kata juru bicara Kaukus Pantai Barat Selatan (KPBS) TAF Haikal di Banda Aceh, tadi siang.

Pembangunan ruas jalan Banda Aceh-Calang yang didanai USAID masih terbentur masalah ganti rugi tanah serta adanya alasan pelaksana kegiatan pembangunan yang mengaku tidak nyaman dalam melaksanakan pekerjaannya.

"Saya kira persoalan pembebasan tanah dan kenyamanan pelaksana kegiatan pembangunan jalan itu dapat diselesaikan apabila semua pihak serius ingin membebaskan masayarakat pantai barat selatan dari kesengsaraan," katanya..

Ia meminta pihak donatur (USAID) dan rekanan untuk melanjutkan pembangunan jalan dan jembatan Lambeusoe yang terdapat dalam Section IV Lamno, Aceh Jaya. Menurut Haikal, proyek pembangunan jembatan telah berhenti sejak April 2008, namun hingga saat ini pengguna jalan Banda Aceh-Calang masih menggunakan rakit penyebrangan dengan ongkos Rp20.000/kendaraan roda empat.

"Kalau karena keamanan menjadi alasan, USAID dan rekanan tentunya harus berkoordinasi dengan Pemerintah dan Kepolisian, jika memang diperlukan harus ada pengamanan dari pihak terkait," kata Haikal.

Selain jembatan Lambeusoe, dia juga meminta pihak rekanan untuk menyelesaikan beberapa unit jembatan lainnya serta memperbaiki beberapa ruas jalan yang sering digenangi banjir. Mantan Direktur Eksekutif Forum LSM Aceh itu juga mempertanyakan tim terpadu yang yang dibentuk Pemerintah Provinsi Aceh untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang muncul di lapangan terkait pembangunan jalan yang hancur akibat bencana tsunami.

Senin, 11 Mei 2009

Aceh Road Project Pits Conservationists Against Those Who Want Development

Jakarta Globe
April 30, 2009
Nurdin Hasan

Banda Aceh. The Indonesian Forum for the Environment has caused a firestorm of protests by groups who say its attempt to stop a road construction project in Aceh would consign a community to continued isolation.

The forum, or Walhi, filed a complaint against Forestry Minister MS Kaban with the National Police in Jakarta on April 23 over his issuance of a permit greenlighting the construction of a 32- kilometer road linking Keude Trumon and Bulohseuma in South Aceh district.

Walhi’s Aceh office says the proposed road would threaten the Rawa Singkil conservation park. The group has accused Kaban of violating zoning regulations, conservation law and a government regulation on national land planning

Walhi Aceh’s executive director, Bambang Antariksa, said on Thursday that the nongovernmental organization would not withdraw its complaint against Kaban.

“We will not revoke the complaint because the minister has violated existing laws,” he said. “Don’t violate laws just to meet the demands of people.”

The South Aceh Youth Association, or PAS, asked Walhi on Wednesday to withdraw its complaints against Kaban, arguing that the road construction project would open up isolated villages in the area.

“We call on Walhi Aceh to withdraw its complaint against MS Kaban because this has caused anxiety among the people of Bulohseuma, who really want a land link,” said Irvan Nusir, the head of the association.

Irvan said residents of Bulohseuma were concerned the complaint could jeopardize the project to repair the road, which at one time provided the sole land link to the area.

The road was built during the Dutch colonial era but is now impassable, leaving the area accessible only by boat.

“We are fully in support of the government’s steps to free the Bulohseuma people, who are now living in isolation,” Irvan said. “Walhi should not just simply look at a map, but should also look a the condition of the people who really need a land link.”

Bulohseuma, located in the subdistrict of Trumon, is home to 621 families in three villages: Raket, Kampung Tengoh and Kuta Padang. It takes about three hours by boat to travel from the nearest town, Keude Trumon, to Bulohseuma.

However, during the rainy Bulohseuma is often completely isolated because large waves prevent a reliable sea link. The area is known for its production of high-quality honey.

Irvan said she hoped the Aceh government would ignore Walhi’s protests and continue to allocate funds to repair the road to Bulohseuma.

TAF Haikal, a spokesman for the Southwest Aceh Coastal Caucus, expressed surprise at Walhi’s complaint because Kaban’s letter approving the project clearly indicated that all parties were required to safeguard the sustainability of the Rawa Singkil conservation area.

Haikal said the road had fallen into such a state of disrepair that the inhabitants of Bulohseuma had essentially been cut off from the rest of the district.

“The population there should not be left isolated,” he said.

“The construction of the road could also take into consideration the sustainability of the Rawa Singkil animal conservation park, while at the same time thinking about the interests of the people there.”

Haikal said that Kaban, in his letter, clearly asked that the Aceh Natural Resource Conservation Agency, as well as other concerned bodies, be involved in the project to prevent any negative impacts on the park.
